Engaging Meditation: Planting the Seeds of Justice

Andy Wood, Nov 15, 2017, 9:29 PM

Praying in line with God's vision is like planting seeds in a garden. We get to participate in the growing reality of God's Kingdom work of setting things right. It's a powerful exercise to imagine what your city or community will look like when God's perfect Kingdom is fully expressed – when injustice has been dismantled and the King of justice reigns. When we get even a small glimpse of this coming and present reality, hope for our city or community is born.

If God were to "plant seeds" where you live, what would he plant? What does he want to see grow, emerge or appear in your neighbourhood? What needs to be "set right"?

The Challenge:
Today, ask God to show you one reason he's put you where you are – and then ask him to help you plant it!

"Prayer is like planting."