A New Way Forward - "Barriers to Welcoming the Gifts" (2 of 2)

Andy Wood, Jul 11, 2018, 8:22 PM
Andy Wood Pastor (Central region)

This is chapter 2 of our "A New Way Forward" series. Sherry Ansloos is a gifted singer, songwriter and storyteller. She is an elder and worship leader at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard. In this video Sherry discusses some of the barriers that are in the church at large that restrict indigenous people from offering their unique and beautiful gifts to the rest of the church. She offers some practical suggestions on how to walk in a good way.

If you haven't seen the first video you can view it here.

Be sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series.


Thanks Sherry, this is really great.  I think the issue of judgment is enormously important.  We need to allow each culture to critique itself, rather than us judging other cultures...ours is to seek Kingdom first, always. Where the Gospel encounters the culture of the day is where Kingdom happens.  In Christ, we trust that He will show us what in each of our own cultures is of Him, what is simply human and what is there that might be dark or even demonic on occasion.  Missiologically those are the three legs upon which culture is traditionally viewed and weighed, so to speak.  So, since my own culture is South African 'Anglo' I can critique my own culture by saying I recognize we can be culturally arrogant, entitled and extremely superior...(God have mercy on us we truly can be so superior.) That's my call to make though, not someone from a different culture to to call on my behalf. But, as it relates to other cultures; unless there is something in that culture that specifically prevents Kingdom, it is ours always to seek the Kingdom in that culture.  I think though, again from a missiological perspective we can't make culture a holy cow that is untouchable.  There are things in all cultures that need redemption.  A clear example of something that is horrific, like amputation of limbs for begging purposes amongst the untouchables in Hindu religion (still practiced illegally in parts of India) can't be bypassed as if it doesn't exist.  Apologies for the horrific illustration, but it serves to make the point.  Another factor to bear in mind is that the more power and privilege any cultural group has, the easier it will be for that cultureto critique themselves.  When your story is one of centuries pain and oppression it's a lot less easy to be objective... Apologies if this sounds cold and theological, it's not my intention, but there has to be a theological / missiological voice alongside the pastoral, social and therapeutic.  I am at root a missiologist.  Grace & peace Melt